6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Road
Saline, MI 48176
(734) 429-2991

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Our Grounds

Come visit our lovely grounds!

Little Free Library
As you enter the driveway you will see our Little Free Library on the left. It was built by a member of the church and has been a great addition to the community. While we have books for all ages to take or leave, we focus on children’s titles, since there is a preschool at the church. During seasonal celebrations, materials for making crafts are sometimes provided. We hope the community will continue to stop by and enjoy the library.
Playing Field
Holy Faith has a large, open grassy space for games, exercise, or other outdoor activities.
The playground is provided by the Saline Cooperative Preschool which meets at Holy Faith. It is available afternoons during the school year, and all day in June, July, August.
Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden was established for members of Holy Faith and their families who wished to have their ashes / cremated remains scattered or interred in the garden. The garden has also become a place for healing prayer. The plants found in the garden - such as lavender, sage, and rosemary - are thought to possess healing powers. The Memorial Garden is open 24/7 for all, as a place for prayer, remembrance, peace and meditation.
Food Garden
The Holy Faith Food Garden was established to provide fresh produce to clients of Saline Area Social Service. Each year, we plant a variety of vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and more, plus marigolds and sunflowers for extra color.
The path of any labyrinth can be used for contemplation and walking meditation. It can quiet the mind and soothe the soul. Our labyrinth is located at the back of the parking lot and is wheelchair accessible.
More Information
If you would like more information about any of these spaces or a schedule of worship services at Holy Faith, please call the church office at 734-429-2991 or email us at office@holy-faith-church.org.