6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Road
Saline, MI 48176
(734) 429-2991

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Staff & Leadership



Outreach Coordinator

Church Musician

Office Manager

Office Volunteer


Teri Kollath
PLT President
(Parish Leadership Team)
Teri was elected President in February 2024. In addition to her typical duties as PLT President, Teri will oversee Administration and Community Life while Pastor Andrea is away on sabbatical (5/22-0/11/24. Please contact Teri with your concerns, questions, ideas, or good news.

The Rev. Dave Hendricks
Providing Pastoral Care & Worship Leadership During Pastor Andrea's Sabbatical (5/22-9/11/24 )
Pastor Dave is an ordained ELCA pastor and brings with him more than three decades of experience serving God's people. If you have a pastoral need, or if you would like to speak with Pastor Dave, or if you wish to request a visit or home communion, please contact Pastor Dave.