6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Road
Saline, MI 48176
(734) 429-2991

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What to Expect
Holy Faith Worships Sundays at 10 am, In-person or by Zoom
To get a Zoom link and a PDF of the worship bulletin, please contact our Office Manager at office@holy-faith-church.org. Our worship service is approximately one hour in length. Worshipers are invited to stay for coffee and conversation afterwards.
Holy Faith is mask-friendly. Your decision (whether to mask up or not) will be honored. As a convenience - at our entrance - we offer free masks in both adult and child sizes.
What Can I Expect to Happen During the Service?
We give you a cheat sheet as soon as you walk in (a worship bulletin for the day). When you enter church, there will be a coat rack to hang your coats. Then an usher will hand you the day’s bulletin, which takes you through every step of the service. The order of service is easy to follow. And if you have a question, ask the usher or a person sitting near you.
Our typical Sunday service includes: hymns, readings from the Bible, a homily that applies the Bible to our daily lives; prayers, and holy communion. At Holy Faith, anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God may receive the bread and the wine during communion. You might also choose to abstain.
Aa a Visitor, Will I Be Asked to Stand & Introduce Myself?
Holy Faith is accustomed to visitors coming every week. Some eventually decide to become members. Some return from time to time. Still others are one-time guests of Christ. No visitor will be asked to stand and introduce themselves.
What Should I Wear?
Holy Faith does not have a dress code. Want to break out your Easter finest? Have at it. Want to wear something more casual? That’s fine too. You will see a wide variety of clothing choices at Holy Faith, with more people dressing casually and for comfort.
Do I Have to Give Money?
No. You will see an offering plate at the back of the church. Regular attendees support the church financially and see doing so as an act of worship and giving back to God. If you are visiting, please notice your blessings and give thanks to God. If you have any questions about Holy Faith, please call the Church Office at 734-429-2991.