6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Road
Saline, MI 48176
(734) 429-2991
Holy Faith Food Garden
The food garden grows fresh produce for people experiencing food insecurity. Through our garden, we nourish our community, God’s creation, and one another.
Seasonal Update
This Spring, we built raised beds and trellises for the garden. We've planted some early season vegetables, including radishes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and peas.
Get Involved
We welcome everyone to volunteer in the garden, no experience or commitment necessary. Come when you can and do what you enjoy. Join us Mondays at 6pm.
There are lots of ways to contribute, including weeding, watering, harvesting, building community partnerships, or relaxing in the shade and enjoying the beauty and fellowship. For more information, contact office@holy-faith-church.org.
Community Partnerships
Our produce is donated to the Saline Area Social Service food pantry. We provide hundreds of pounds of food each growing season to our neighbors.
We are part of the People’s Garden and Good News Gardens communities. We have received generous financial support and in-kind donations from the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Foundation, The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, Thrivent, Johnny's Selected Seeds, and members of the Holy Faith congregation.